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Snitz Forums 2000

The Snitz Forums 2000 Community is an ever growing group of developers and friends that enjoy working together and learning from each other's experiences in programming. There is also a growing group of people that just like to talk and make friends.

Version 3.4.07 has been downloaded 60472 times since it was released on March 16, 2009.But it can of course also be that you just came here to download the latest version. Then go straight to the download page:
 System Requirements
IIS 4/IIS 5.x or PWS(Personal Web Server) on WIN95, WIN98, WIN ME, NT4, WIN2000 or WINXP, or an ASP Enabled Web Server on a Unix System (the forum has been tested on Chili!Asp), Microsoft Access 97/2000/2002 or SQL Server 6.5/7.0/2000 or MySql version 3.22 and 3.23
 Snitz Forums 2000 Version 3.4.07
This is current official version. If you use a previous version of the forums, you are advised to upgrade.

Snitz Forums 2000 is a free product that is governed by the GPL. You are free to download and use these forums without charge, under the condition that you don't charge for it either, and that you keep the copyrights intact.
Download the latest version and join in the discussion in the forums!
Download: Snitz Forums 2000 v3.4.07
If you already have version 3.4.06 you can also just download the changed files:
Snitz Forums 2000 v3.4.06 -> v3.4.07
Make sure you also subscribe to one of the Snitz Mailinglists so you'll be notified of important news and/or new releases/updates.
And please also frequent Announcements: Security Related Bug Fixes where we will post new Security Updates as they are needed.
 Other Files Available for Download

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